I've just realised how boring this blog has become - it needs some graphic input to spice it up a bit. I've neen busily beavering away at a family history project over the winter and one bit of it is almost complete - hope to publish it on a website soon. I know it won't be of interest to the world but it still amazes me how interlinked families get and how out of nowhere you find some distant cousin umpteen times removed who has some invaluable bit of info about your family or vice versa. This business certainly appeals to the "private detective" instinct - and it's really addictive. The problem is that you can get the tree trunk done fairly quickly but then you get caught up in the branches and Here's a picture I took in Cardiff just before Chritmas - this guy with stilts was about 10 ft. tall and I happened to be following him as he was walking to his pitch. He overtook a mother and little girl and promptly frightened the life out of the little girl.