Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The African Drum almost spoke!

Hi everyone - brief update. Bex managed to get into an internet cafe and (so she assures me!) wrote the post of absolute dooooom! However, the internet link went kaput or something at the critical moment so the post was doomed and the Afrikan drum will speak tomorrow. News is that she's arrived at Rehoboth (the journey was much shorter than she had thought). She's at the Ark and has met up with Emily, an English girl who is on her second visit to Christ's Hope in Namibia. This is really cool since Emily will be there for another week and is showing Bex the ropes. I shan't say too much more because I know that Bex will want to share her experiences directly with you all. Her mobile is now fully charged and she's back in contact again. By the way - she loved the comments from everyone - keep them coming! Flash!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi honey. Read this and thought of you, Pray that your "spashes" of joy will become "showers" of blessing. Here's one that made me chuckle, I used to have a handle on life, but then it fell off. Praise GOD HE is in control. Going to see Nana catch you later.Love and hugs Mum.