Hey hey party people im HOME!!! Cant wait to cya all!!! Thanks for all the texts ya guys have sent me today! been kool. Arrived back at a sparky 5.45 am this mornin - poor flash and madge had to come pick me up! haha dont think they minded too much tho - they rock. Tis so strange being home - had to enrol in Uni as soon as i got back, tis crazy.
As forecasted im really pretty sad and it was bad saying goodbye yesterday. Me and George managed to pursuade John to let me have my de-breifing at the ark so i could stay there for the whole time and so that George n Anna Marie could take me to the airport. The two volunteers came too and three of the girls from the ark. Yeh was very emotional - yea we had ugly crying 2 - it was not pretty.I had my sunglasses on nearly the whole time.
George made me laugh - with ikle tears in his eyes he explained that he tries not to get attatched to volunteers because they have to leave sometime, but then he said i just crept up on him and now he couldnt believe i was going (yes Gar i thawt ud like that - the creepster at work again) and then he told me off for not staying longer. They are so sweet. The three girls (i spent alot of time with them because they used to like driving wit me in the nights for the bread run) are all having a day off skool 2day - it was awful to see them so upset, but the other two volunteers promised to look after em so it was kool. I love them guys so much, it really broke my heart to leave. It went so fast its untroo. Planning my next trip baby for next year....Godwilling.
There's a new volunteer from nuwcasle man! she's class - we had a good laugh before we left.
Aye, it was quite funny tho because i finally managed to control myself (i was thinkin bout seeing u guys n my drums) and i got on the plane, but then as they were doing the safety talk i was reading the letters the gals wrote me for me, and i started crying again. This poor german bird next to me started to assure me that planes these days are perfectly safe and that u have more chance of being hit by a bus.....i couldnt even explain that i werent scared of flying - bless her. I felt like a right tool then for like the whole of the flight she kept checking i was ok - u no i hate crying in front o people. As we came into land she kept looking at me so i made a sharp exit to my baggage claim. Was a good flight tho - there was a baby in the row next to me screaming for most of the flight - i was kool coz i had my ear plugs but by the end of the flight i was a bit worried for the poor kid coz he had about 20 people looking at him as if they were gonna chuck him out the window.....just thinkin about sherms as she gets on the plane wit baby ben - word of advice babe if u get split up send the lil treasure wit neil!! Talkin about babies - ikle baby deinol i look forward to seeing ya very soon!!! MWAH.
Aye so theres lots more to tell about the trip and im sure il be boring ya wit my tales before long - at least now when im 80 years old (playing drums in the reformed church for rocking grannies) il be able to say - remember the time i went to namibia.....Ayyyye. Haha.
Awsum just wanna say thanks to y'all who have supported me on this trip in all ways. I no the prayers made all the difference to the trip and God was completely amazing - he absolutely astounds me. Dg. Yeh thanks for following the blogs sorry i didnt get the chance to put more on,but it was tricky. Ur constant support in this trip (and anyways), gives me so much strength and i just wanna thank you for sharing this trip with me. Means alot2 me. U r awsum guys. (ps Kenzinton da drum shaped hole sounds kool)
Flash (aaaahhhhh) and Madge....... u guys are two of the most amazing guys i no, and the best parents. I thank you for all you have done and for the example u have set before me. U help me more than you know and i Love you so much.
Finally my Lord, there are not enough words to tell of the greatness of you. Ur constant mercy, grace and love blows me away. I love you with all my heart. I thank you for all you have done for me, with me and in me. All things to your glory - all i ask is that you take all of me. In Jesus awsum name - Amen.
Love you all so much - and cant wait to see you.
Mwah x all of ya's.