Monday, September 12, 2005

News Flash 12 Sep

Hi bloogers of doom! I resisted posting over the weekend so that Bex's post would be seen by all. We've been in touch with Bex over the weekend and this is a brief summary of latest happenings until Bex gets to the local intenet cafe. First the comments have been great and they are such a source of strength and inspiration to Bex. Thanks to the Scots input from Scoobie - Bex was so impressed. Hywel has a lot to answer for in suggesting a Bex-speak version of the Bible - that has the makings of a thread that will roll on (DnA) and it greatly amused Bex. Thank you everyone that's commented.
Friday-the water finally got switched on for the garden at the Ark so Bex was dead chuffed at being there at the switch-on. She has been helping in the garden (!). Also Friday night the Ark received the gift of a whole dead cow - left draped over the fence. Bex was invited to help with the skinning but for some reason declined. The word "minging" has now officially entered the Afrikaans language! George apparently offered Bex the opportunity to eat one of the bits considered a bit of a local delicacy - one of the cow's feet - but she graciously (?) declined. Bex is seriously reconsidering her lifelong patronage of McD's after this episode. As you can imagine, no part of the cow was entirely wasted and some of the girls had cooked and were very willing to share some of the bits that are not commonly eaten here. This led to the word "hanging" being introduced to Afrikaans. Nutella and Coco Pops have never been so attractive!
Saturday, she had a chillout day at the Ark and spent some time talking to some of the older girls, accompanying one of them to visit her grandmother who is blind. These girls have some pretty tragic backgrounds and Bex needs our prayers in this area.
Sunday she went to church (a church with drums!). Although the service was in Afrikaans she enjoyed it. Spent the afternoon playing with the children in the Ark and when we had a txt or two last night she sounded tired but very happy.
One thing occurs to me. If Bex-speak is tricky now, just wait until the Afrikaans version gets home! We'll all need specialist interpreters!!!
Finally and importantly, can I ask you all to remember George and Anna Marie Dien the house parents and leaders at Rehoboth Ark. Bex says that they are truly wonderful people and a great inspiration. They live very much by faith, particularly with regard to the care and compassion ministry among the families of AIDS sufferers. In this regard, could we all especially pray for Bex and George as they go out to visit this week. If you haven't already done so can I recommend that you read the "News" section of the Christ's Hope International web site where there is a write-up about Rehoboth and George. Just click on this link to see it.
In particular read the section on the UK Director's visit to Namibia and also the section on Rehoboth - you'll see what a wonderful work George and Anna Marie are doing. Again, thanks to all you contributors and for all of your prayers. Keep 'em coming. Flash (.....aaaaah) D.U.


Anonymous said...

Baby, De sunflower ain't de daisy,and de melon ain't de rose.Why is dey all so crazy to be sumfin' dat grows?. Jes' stick to de place you're planted, and do de best you knows. Be de sunflower or de daisy, de melon or de rose. Don't be what you ain't jes' you be what you is. Remember if your jes' a little pebble don't try and be the beach. luv Mum xxx.

Anonymous said...

Well here we are again. You'll be sick of us by the time you get back. How much 'Monks' humour can anyone take!!??

Just a few thoughts for your Doom Bible (eat your heart out Rob Lacey!) Nehemiah could be seen to be standing in the gap of doom! or maybe Jericho fell to the march of doom! Or (from David) Samson and the temple of Doom. For what it's worth. I think that whole party went Pete tonge!

Anyway on a more serious note. It's so good to here of all you're doing and how you are settled like you've always been there.Will pray for George and Anna. It seems they are doing a awesome job with such little resources. Will also pray God's protection on your heart. That he will allow it to be touched but not broken.

Don't forget the truths of Matt 6:8. The Lord knows what you need before you ask Him and Isa 58:9. Then you will call and the Lord will answer. You will cry for help and he will say. Here am I. So although He already knows. Ask Him, cry to Him and He WILL answer your deapest heart cry.

Love you loads X DnA

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie, A few words from JBP. "You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties on Him, for you are His personal concern"
and "Don't worry over anything whatever, whenever you pray tell God every detail of your need in Thankful Prayer, and the peace of God, which surpasses human understanding, will keep constant guard over your heart and mind as they rest in Christ Jesus".
Keep's Loving ya, Keep's Missing ya. Mum xxx.

Anonymous said...

Hey honey! Hope you are doing good! Have to say, I'm finding the comments from your mum a great help - they are fab for you, but they are an inspiration for me too, if you don't mind me saying so!! Thanks Madge!! Tee hee! Anyway still missing you loads, would write more but Ben has just piped up from his cot!
Take care chicken, love you x x x