Hey hey guys!!! haha im loving ya comments. So sorry its been like year since i wrote last - its so stressful trying to get here!!!! But i have a short tiime now so- the keyboard is well ropey so excuse the dodgy spelt letters. Tis all the dust!!!
Yuur comments have been amazing, bek, sherms and kemz it sounded like a rocking kerith!!!! Haha kems take a pic of that bruise for me teehee will be well entertaining for when i get back!! bless ya, was in Windhoek on the weekend and heard a bit o michelle branch - made me think o u miss. Was a proper coffee shop and everythin i was well landed - and i dont even like coffee. God was good to me on the weekend - gave me an awsum break.
Anita and Dave thanks for your funny comments i havent been accosted by any bugs yet which is awsum so yeh keep praying - and dave you should see my feet right now they is mingin - all dusty and all that jazz.
Aunty Anne thanks for your comments and your donation - absolutely amazing!!!!Tis very much appreciated. And Em i hope u really enjoyed the zoo. And Aunty Anne i am trying to say hope and light instead of doom hehe. Hu and Beth hope you are doin well!!! and little baby Deinol!! bet he has grown loads!!! Well guys realy all the awsum stuff uve left has really strengthened me, and im most proud of madge as she was quite computer illiterate when i left!!! round of applause!!!!Loves ya guys so much. Happy birthday too ikle sherms!!!And thanks for ya text Tom!!!Hey Lewis your comment rocked too!!! Thanks so much. Monica and mummy bek nice one too!!!! Everyone who made comments your amazing.
The main focus of the last couple of days has been the evergreen garden project and ive been making a short video of those things as well as getting materials together for the garden!!Emz left yeterday so quite sad, but its all good!!! God rocks!!! btw Scoobs if you are reading this i found some scottish biscuits in Windhoek saying 'eet sum moore' - well funny, coz the rest is in afrikaans.Will try and get some too bring home. Im feeling loads better by the way - started my new diet on Tuesday - its my safety diet of cocopops and nutella. Had to stock up in Windhoek coz they dont sell them where i am at so look out for a hefty drums when i get back!!! They cooked a sheeps head yesterday....euwwwww was so grosss!!!!! Em wanted to try it before she left PRAISE GOD FOR NUTELLAAA!!!! haha was rank. Also while making the video we arrived as 2 little (er dun no what ya call em goatlings???) being born!!! For the first few moments it was amazing ....new life and all the wonder yadaa yadda. then i realised it really wern't prettyl!!! all slime and poo n well ya no the scene!!! think some of it is on camera so haha i will grace ya with it when i get home.
Yeh tis amazing here getting into the swing off things here just wish i could come online more. Yeh and keep praying for the aunties. Im off on the weekend to buy some bibles in their native languages so i can type them up as handouts!!! Quite exciting. Haha and kems i nu ud like joyce!!!! Her teaching is amazing, once ya get past the lipstick ov doooom and the rather scary laugh then ul learn lots!!! Nice one keys glad to c u kept the joyce club goin in my absence!!!! Yeh but keep praying for the aunties here tis quite an oppressed place and it is sometimes quite hard, but in everything God has provided beyond what i could have asked for!!! He rocks, so yeh am praying for y'all wish i could stay more, thanks for your text davies!! loves u. Keep it real people and i will come back as quick as i can!!!! If u do have time keep doing the comments coz i love hearing whats going on back home. Cant wait till i c ya'll again. Stay classy now!!! (nice one pooch) mwah, and keep the prayers up coz thats the most important thing. Must shoot now ..............
All my love drums
Thursday, September 08, 2005
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Hi sweetie, Not planning to become a midwife then. Saw this and thought of you. Mosquitoes are like small children. The minute they stop making a noise you know they are into something. Finally got a handle on weight loss,(or lack of it).Brain cells come and brain go, but FAT CELLS LIVE FOREVER.Speak to you soon, Luv`s ya sooo much(texy me thinks)MUMxxxx. Bobby say`s woof.
Dear Rebecca,
I sent you a blog this morning and it doesn't seem to have arrived, so will try again! Glad to hear all your news. Tony and I are off to the caravan until 19th Sept, but we have a lovely photo of you and will continue to pray for you. We are so pleased that God is using you. God bless, and mwah!--I think thats a kiss? I have been reading James 1 about visiting the orphans and widows, and thats what you are doing--it says--this is pure and real--God is pleased with you. Love Auntie Annie.xxx
Hey Drums,
Sounds like God is really working through you and speaking to you loads!! I really pray he continues to reveal his heart to you!!
Been out for lunch with sherms and baby ben today, went to Cowbridge for a treat! You will bereally pleased with Bek she bought a military style shirt!! your influence i think!!! it made me laugh she isnt sure if neil will approve!!! he he!
Off to tenby with mummy beks and monica on sunday for a weeks so wont be able to make any comments for a while but will be thinking of you! stay strong - nutella rocks!
Hey hey, here to defend myself!! i think the military top looks fab... Neil is taking a bit of persuading tho, getting there ahem...!
We're all so encouraged by how God is using, and know that you are and will be a real blessing to everyone you meet, and even if you feel like you're not doing much or haven't had an effect, I'm sure you will have - even if it's just planting a seed of Christ's love ready for someone else to harvest. Keep going honey!! Love and miss you loads x x p.s. can't wait to show you the top tee hee!!!
Hi Afrikaan Drums,
Hope you're ok, sounds like you are, so I'm glad. Deiniol's three weeks old today, getting really strong already (nearing 9lb). He's quite a chatterbox and a wriggler! Happy little boy.
Beth and I doing ok most of the time, struggling sometimes, mainly due to tiredness. But when I do struggle I think of the auties and the hard work they do with their lack of resources and everything, and think how blessed we are to have everything we need provided by God. It really puts everything into perspective.
We're all praying for you, the Ark, aunties and all the work done by CHI, and for all the amazing Bex-like people God is using to do this important work. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the experience. It's certaintly brought a lot of things to my attention, so you're work is having an influence on all of us back here as well as the people you're helping over there.
Going to get the Bibles in their language sounds great. It made me think what a Bible written in Bex-speak would be like. (Joseph and the coat of Doom!)
God Bless
Love you loads
Hywel, Beth and Deiniol
Hello Little Lady.
Hav n't long got back from honeymoon. Just wanted to say that me and Gary are missing you loads, Been praying for you every day. Mummy beks is going to fill me in with all your news tonight. Got a pressie of lovely strawberry sweeties for you when you get back! I know that you would of touched so many peoples hearts already, but I continue to pray that god's spirit pours out of you in to the lives of every one you meet. Luvs u loads, STRAWBS. XXXXXXXXX P.S, Belch, told me to say hi to his little creepy friend.xxxx
Hey Drums,
Last one before hols, what a panic, having a baby increases your packing by at least 10 times - scary!! Not much has happenned since last said hi - except i now have red hair!! very strange!!
I am very unorganised - but i expect mummy beks and monica will have thought of everything.
Take care over this next week, will miss blogging you (that sounds bad!)- speak to you when back from Tenby xx
Kenz, Luke and Iz!!
Hi sweetie,5a.m. start on Sat. Had one of those Madge days, sat in the car thinking, "never mind the car hope i get started!!!". Well, my ignition switched on at approx. 9.30a.m. while I was eating my bacon sandwich. I imagined myself as a dynamic successful sales person - you know the type - getting people to buy things they don't need, and when they get home can't remember what it's for and how to use it. (Remember the little boxes we tick and sign our name after). On the restaurant I imagined a neon banner with "Madge - Salesperson of the Month" WOW. My enthusiasm knew no end. Then reality kicked in! Having placed my two feet
back on shop floor about 9.45am realized I had swallowed my zeal
along with my bacon sarnie. Back behind kiosk became "good ole Madge" giving customers exactly what they ask for with a "Hi, how are you today?" Girls in work say hello and send their love. I can imagine you reading this saying "Hmm - Asda or Africa, Asda or Africa", bet I know which one you would choose. Speak to you soon, Much Love Mum.xxx (Missing you).
hiya peggy hows it gone wee yin cannae believe ye fun scottish biccies see we jocks git everywhaur .andrew had the snip on wednesday he is walking ok haha.kev was 18 last saturday got him a car ,has had it longer than the last one .gareths at the pictures with girls help.work is rubbish we need some weebles.i have got some tablet for you to overdose on suger again.well peggy you take care no dribbling now luv ya miss ya see you soon scooby xxxx
Just have to say some people give too much detail!!
It was so good to get you back on line (or is it on blog?)and to sense your enthusiasm. (Must be your high on nutella). Not going to be a vet in the future then? (by the way those goatlings are called 'Kids')Actually goatlings sound better. Bex re-write Genesis with Noah and his two goatlings.
David's contribution today. BDV(Bex Doom Version). Daniel in the Dooms Den. Paul's shipwreck of Doom. (more tomorrow) On a more serious note. Is. 30:18. God's not finished. He is waiting around to be gracious to you. He is gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right. everything.
Amazing idea to distribute handouts. Leaveing God's word wherever you go. What IS doom in africaan anyway? Let us know!
Well mustn't take up to much space. Just to say that Izzy asked me this morning when aunty drums would be home for a cuddle. Assured her soon. So save save her some nutella. She'll be on solids by then!
God Bless DnA xx
Hi there this is the raving rev!
Just taking the opportunity to say a big hallo and send our love and assurance of our prayers to you.
Sounds like the food is agreeing with you or not.
We had a fab weekend with Ronnie and Ira the guys rocked da house goooood
Jos was his usual awsome self too and there are loads of people looking to do something all change at Bethel believe me.
Chris sends her love also and so do the boys especially Andrew. Can't wait to see you again and hear all that you have been doing.
We think of you every day as a family and we pray for you at the office and in the service on sunday
Weather is changing we had snow flurries yesterday temperature is down to -15 degrees blizzards extected tomorrow. So enjoy the sun. Say a big Hi to George for me we met when I was out in California last year also Hien and Ricco and his wife.
I think she is called cynthia.
She had to kill and butcher a cow for their wedding reception.
Well bangers and mash for tea.
See you soon
Peter K
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